Art In Odd Places 2011 |
October 8, 2011 Hudson River Park, 14th Street & 10th Avenue 2pm sharp! |
View the videos and photographs from this project here.
For over 100 years, man has worked to find new and better ways of preserving sound. From the invention of wax cylinders and records, to vinyl discs, magnetic tape and digital playback. For each new way of recording, another becomes outdated.
On Saturday, October 8th, intervention artists Harvey Loves Harvey will create something new out of the overlap of high and low-tech. Witness four performances inspired by recording firsts: the first recorded sounds, the first broadcast recordings, and the first recording sent into space! These original songs will be performed live in the park by Soccer Mom, Animal Hospitaland Ashcan Orchestra, with a phone in performance by Madison, Wisconsin’sThe Hussy.
Using the latest wifi technology, these sounds will be sent from the street to the studio at Masterdisk, and cut live to a unique vinyl record. This disc will be the first field recording of its kind, made by mixing the cutting-edge with the out-of-date.
At the end of the performance, the newly minted record will be played live in the park for everyone present.
Presented as a part of Art In Odd Places 2011: Ritual.
Art in Odd Places (AiOP) aims to present art that stretches the boundaries of communication in the public realm by presenting artworks in all disciplines outside the confines of traditional public space regulations. AiOP reminds us that public spaces function as the epicenter for diverse social interactions and the unfettered exchange of ideas.
Soccer Mom
Animal Hospital
Ashcan Orchestra
The Hussy