A Civil War

Do You Know What Part Of The Country You’re From? The Lost Archive Of Civil War-era Military Recruiting Advertisements

At the outset of the American Civil War (1861-1865), Americans on both sides of the conflict expected that it would be a short war. Even after the initial battles, and their foreshadowing of a long and bitter war, men still rushed to join both armies. As the war dragged on, into 1862 and then 1863, […]

After Sherman’s March

In 2009 Harvey Loves Harvey finished work on a documentary based on Ross McElwee’s award-winning 1986 film Sherman’s March. This project, titled After Sherman’s March begins: “Sometimes I drink a little too much, and I order stuff on Amazon. Packages arrive and I don’t know what they are. This one, it seems, is a film I watched with my […]

A Heart Divided

For The 48 Hour Film Project Harvey Loves Harvey worked with a great team of artists and filmmakers to produce “A Heart Divided” — a Civil War bromance. Over the course of 2 days, HLH wrote and starred in the piece, which was directed by Jeffu Warmouth and Paul Concemi; produced by James Manning, edited by Charlie Roberts, shot […]

A House Redivided

We often take history as a fixed and permanent, a series of narratives built from obvious origins and leading to inevitable conclusions. History is told to us in the voice of its time, and thus we consider the wars of Greece through the voice of Homer, or the American Revolution in the language of the […]

Civil Warcraft

Civil Warcraft is an online project by artists Harvey Loves Harvey. This site presents a series of maps created for the game Warcraft III that can be downloaded and played by anyone. Each map presents a battle from the American Civil War, designed to be as historically accurate as possible. Each map features over 1000 […]