
Aaron, Arlette, Harvey! Where is Charles?

It was just a scrap of paper, a small photograph lost behind a dresser, a picture of a man sunning himself on the beach. It might be just another family vacation snapshot from a time long ago, were the man not Charles Egan and the photographer not Aaron Siskind. This exhibition began as a collaboration […]

Patriot X

“It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind.” – Voltaire Marking the northern boundary of the United States is a line. Its placement is almost arbitrary, the result of colonial wars and the pronouncements of kings. Yet, to cross this line is incredibly significant: […]

One Year Performance: April 1, 2011 – April 1, 2012 (For Lee Walton)

A mail art intervention: April 1, 2011 – April 1, 2012 On April 1, 2012, Harvey Loves Harvey concluded a year-long mail art project by dropping the letter below in the mail.

Live From 14th Street

4 live performances cut live to vinyl! For over 100 years, man has worked to find new and better ways of preserving sound. From the invention of wax cylinders and records, to vinyl discs, magnetic tape and digital playback. For each new way of recording, another becomes outdated. On Saturday, October 8th, intervention artists Harvey […]

Rules For The Performance Of Guitar Chords: Would Harvey Loves Harvey Approve?

For our exhibition What Are We Doing? at Gallery Kayafas in January of 2011, we showed the final version of our piece “Would Sol LeWitt Approve?” For that piece, we created a musical response to the work of Sol LeWitt by performing all permutations of four guitar chords. For the opening reception of our exhibition, we invited the band Soccer Momto perform […]

The Bridge {refrain}

What would it have been like to have stumbled upon the legendary jazz musician Sonny Rollins playing in the 1960s on the Williamsburg bridge? Harvey Loves Harvey attempted to recreate the experience playing the Sonny Rollins album The Bridge in the center of the Williamsburg bridge, between September 13th and 20th as part of The Work Office, a […]

14 Actions For 14th Street

Buy the 14 Actions For 14th Street book Click here for the “14 Actions For 14th Street” website (Flash, HTML) ACROSS 14TH STREET Over four days in October of 2009, collaborative artists Harvey Loves Harvey created fourteen performance art interventions along 14th Street in Manhattan. Each of these vignettes was created based on a moment in the history […]

ATM Xmas Party

“As a matter of principle, there seems to be good reason to expand the public forum well beyond streets and parks. In the modern era, other places have increasingly come to occupy the role of traditional public forums. The mass media, including the Internet, have become far more important than streets and parks as arenas […]


What does it mean to hang a “wanted” poster on a lamp-post? What can be communicated by a Xeroxed flier with tear-off tags bearing a phone number? In our hyper-paranoid world, how much attention are people actually paying to the world around them? If you see something, will you say something? For “WANTED!” the members […]

Harvey Loves Harvey Presents UNWOUND Live September 11, 2001 Recorded Live May 12, 2007

On September 10, 2001, Harvey Loves Harvey were in Boston celebrating Jason’s birthday. We spent the day in Hyde Square for the annual festivities, watching mariachi bands, drinking beer and spending time with close friends. As was our custom, Matt had given Jason tickets to see Unwound the next night — repayment for tickets a year previous […]

Harvey Vs. Harvey

Harvey Loves Harvey are co-founding members of The Number Foundation, a New York based collective of artists and illustrators. A major project of The Foundation since 1996 has been the publication of a magazine. Originally called The Number Foundation Magazine, it was re-issued in 2000 under the name Royal Flush with an extravagant party at […]


In the spring of 2001, HLH’s Matthew Nash — in collaboration with artist Joel Alpern — created “Reproduction.” This piece was performed at 1926 Gallery in Chicago. For “Reproduction,” the artists secured a photocopier and put a sign on the sidewalk reading “free copies.” Anyone passing by could ask for free copies of any piece […]

Cow Friends Network

Jason Dean created a cow for NYC’s “Cows On Parade” public art event. For this project, fiberglass cows were given to artists to decorate or work with, and installed throughout the city. Dean’s cow, titled “The Cow Friends Network” presented a speaker with a button, and pressing the button called the cell phone of the […]

Ego Rock and the Grunge Scene