
Every Permutation Of Four Guitar Chords, Performed Live And Uninterrupted: Would Sol LeWitt Approve?

This video piece was part of a two-part exhibition co-presented by MASS MoCA and Cabinet Magazine, curated by Regine Basha, who asked the question: This is a call to those who share an affinity with Sol LeWitt’s legacy as a conceptual artist, to those who knew him and those who did not — to anyone who has ever […]

An Automated Device For The Creation Of Artistic Direction And The Removal Of Ideological Interpretation: Who Is The Artist?

This collaborative project by Harvey Loves Harvey proposes to explore the role of creativity in the making of artworks, and to test the possibility of a meta-creator that can supersede or negate artistic intention and ideology. This device will serve as the source of ‘inspiration’, dictating pre-described instructions to the artists, who will act merely […]

A Photographic Study of the Artistic Interpretation of Philosophical Statements by Popular Artists: What Is Meaning?

This project proposes a series of images generated by instructions from a machine designed and built by Harvey Loves Harvey. It is a continuation of a series of ‘Harvey machines’ that serve as meta-artists, and is intended to result in a photographic series. For this project, Harvey Loves Harvey will create a database of phrases […]

An Interactive Study Of Dining Activities Without Consequence: Eat Or Be Eaten?

This piece was created as a variation of the full-sized “Naughty Or Nice?” piece for a specific installation context. The Edible Art fundraising event requested a Harvey Loves Harvey piece, and we decided to re-make “Naughty Or Nice?” using food (to fit the theme of the event). Thus, like “Naughty Or Nice?”, “Eat Or Be […]

An Interactive Study Of Human Response To Mediated Actions Without Consequence: Naughty Or Nice?

In our daily lives we are presented with many options at any given moment. How does society keep order? What is it, other than fear of punishment, that influences these decisions in our every interaction? Social order among a group of individuals is imposed by the state, but there is also another powerful force at […]

Seek & Destroy

At a lecture we gave at the Museum School in Boston, people would ask us about the “Harvey Versus Harvey” event (a mispronunciation of our name). People inherently thought we must be in competition with one another, so we decided to also examine the idea of a clear winner in an “alter ego” version of […]


During the creation of the CONTROL pieces, Harvey was often challenged on the ‘truth’ of their projects – a fact that was not lost on the same artists already engaged in the ‘two sides of the same story’ project in Extra-Medium. In resonse, methods were sought to verify the works as authentic. The first project […]

An Amount Of Candy The Exact Weight Of The Video Camera Monitoring It. You Cannot Have One.

With inspiration from Felix Gonzalez-Torres, and a high speed internet connection, Harvey placed a pile of candy on a shelf, which was being monitored on the Harvey Loves Harvey website by a webcam, which would update at predetermined intervals. The candy was meant to be taken and online viewers would attempt to catch the thief […]

A Multi-Planar Study Of Involuntary Response To The Lateral Impact Of Domestic Objects: Is It Funny?

The television show “America’s Funniest Home Videos” began as soon as the camcorder became affordable for the average family. It is quite possibly one of the longest running reality shows on television, and shows no sign of getting canceled anytime soon. It has relied on the pain can be funny formula for years, a majority […]


The novels of Paul Auster, and his friendship with Sophie Calle, have been a steady source of inspiration to Harvey Loves Harvey. Auster writes frequently of characters that follows others for extended periods, hoping to understand them through their movements. In his novel Leviathan, his narrator follows the character Ben Sachs for days through the […]


Created for an online exhibition in conjunction with a Chicago-based event titled [inter]PERSONAL, “AVATARi” was the first extended CONTROL project of the Harvey Loves Harvey :: Year One website. Inspired by Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash, and particularly the idea of an ‘avatar’ that serves as one’s virtual representation in cyberspace, Harvey undertook the project of […]