Harvey Loves Harvey are co-founding members of The Number Foundation, a New York based collective of artists and illustrators. A major project of The Foundation since 1996 has been the publication of a magazine. Originally called The Number Foundation Magazine, it was re-issued in 2000 under the name Royal Flush with an extravagant party at the notorious punk venue CBGBs.
For the first two issues of Royal Flush the members of Harvey created individual projects, but the third issue featured two pages of collaborative Harvey Loves Harvey work. The struggle to create work for Royal Flush was based in large part on the fact that it was a comic and illustration magazine with a young male audience.
The answer turned out to be quite simple: remake the classic Spy Vs. Spy from MAD magazine.
The pages reprinted here are of “Harvey Versus Harvey” (not to be confused with our online competitive project of the same name). In the pantheon of Harvey Loves Harvey projects these are quite simple, yet they also expand on the collaborative nature of the project and illustrate in a fun and silly way what two artists can produce when they dig deep into their childhood pleasures. Bombs and explosions, intrigue and mystery, Harvey Versus Harvey.