Seek & Destroy

Seek & Destroy installed at Oni Gallery in Boston

Seek & Destroy installed at Oni Gallery in Boston

At a lecture we gave at the Museum School in Boston, people would ask us about the “Harvey Versus Harvey” event (a mispronunciation of our name). People inherently thought we must be in competition with one another, so we decided to also examine the idea of a clear winner in an “alter ego” version of the website and work. Would direct confrontation of competition affect our relationship?

Harvey Loves Harvey went out in the woods of Vermont and set up a shooting range complete with life size targets of each other, which then were scored based on vital regions of the individuals. Scoring was done by an independent third party, (and frequent Harvey contributor) Colin Tracy. Based on his knowledge of anatomy and shooting, a winner was decided. But really, even the loser won by getting to shoot the person he was learning to hate.



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